Nobody knows when Jesus is coming to get His beloved brothers and sisters in Christ at the Rapture to take them home to Heaven before all Hell breaks loose on the Earth.
Only God the Father knows the moment when He will send Jesus to get the true Church off the evil Earth. God dearly loves His children who chose to follow Him and He will keep them from the terrible wrath to come not intended for them.
The reason for the Rapture allows God to remove two Christian groups of people off the Earth; #1 the dead bodies in the grave He will bring to immortal life first to join their spiritual body waiting in the air above the earth; #2 the alive Christians whose spirit is born again but now their mortal body will be changed to an immortal perfect body in the twinkling of the eye to live forever!
For 2,000 years God has been working lovingly through men to get the Gentiles saved. Next is the rapture of the Church so He can focus on the Jews who still don’t believe Jesus came & died on a cross for them. With the chosen 144,000 elect saved Jews, God has a brilliant plan up His sleeve to save His first family that started with the lineage of Abraham all the way to Jesus!
As soon as the Rapture is over in just a few seconds, it will result in much chaos on the Earth when wives, husbands, children, teens, babies are missing all over the world. 2Thes.2:11 says God shall send them a “strong delusion (test)” that they should believe a lie.