Kathy M. Storrie
7 min readMay 25, 2019


The first batch of fallen angels is 1/3 of the billions of good angels who became bad angels when they agreed to help Lucifer take over GOD’s throne in 3rd Heaven. GOD kicked all 1/3 Angels plus Lucifer out of God’s Heaven and into the 2nd Heaven.

Over a period of a million past years, give or take a few million, GOD THE CREATOR and HIS ASSISTANT, “THE WORD”, created the Universe, the Solar Systems, the Stars, the Constellations, the Galaxies, the Black holes, the Comets, the Asteroids, the Moons, the Planets, the Nebulae, and one particular blue-green planet called Earth with no humans, yet.

When the time was right and the blue-green planet was ready, GOD sent THE WORD (Jesus) to Earth to be born as a baby…The Messiah. At 30 yrs. old He was anointed by His Heavenly Father after being baptized. He taught a group of 12 Jewish fishermen for 3 1/2 years about His loving Father in Heaven and how He as the Son of God would have to suffer & die to save all mankind.

God and The Word also created the ANGELOLOGY ORDER of Twelve Angels of Presence…

to assist THEM in protecting and guiding ALL of future mankind from the jealous evils perpetrated by Lucifer/ Satan.

99% of the millions of Angels GOD made have a spiritual, transparent body with their own Mind, Emotions, and Will. GOD wanted them to be free to obey and honor Him out of love and respect and not as mechanical robots.

After GOD and THE WORD made all these Angelic beings, they were trained according to their unique order of intelligence, their particular agility and strength, their quickness to obey and their love and respect for God. They were given special assignments in the universe that showcased their abilities and passions.

GOD loved and admired each order of Angels and He observed them perform their duties perfectly. GOD was drawn to one particular Angel covered in colorful gem stones and his name was Lucifer and his gift was all kinds of music. He had perfect pitch and he played every musical instrument with such passionate tenderness it brought pure joy to the Father’s heart. GOD chose Lucifer to be the full time music director in the Throne Room leading billions of Angels in worship.

We don’t know how or why Lucifer become jealous of GOD’s powerful position. We do know when Lucifer led the music from inside God he did experience the overflow of the warm waves of love and worship for GOD coming from the billions of Angels. It must have lifted his ego to such a level of pleasure he wanted to feel the pleasure ALL the time and not once in awhile.

When Lucifer realized that he wanted GOD’s Throne he somehow convinced 1/3 of the Angels to join him in rebellion against GOD. When GOD found out (He already knew eons ago), He commanded the Mighty Host of Angels to kick the 1/3 Fallen Angels out of the 3rd Heaven and into the 2nd Heaven, until judgment day. They will be stuck where the solar systems, universes, stars, moons, planets, comets, black hole, asteroids, nebulae, constellations, etc. exist. These fallen angels like the good angels have power to change their bodies to look different but they can’t create anything like GOD can.

Now, for the second batch of Fallen Angels who are the 200 Watcher Angels who were once good but became fallen when they committed a great sin on the Earth.

These 200 Watcher Angels that God made have a flesh body for a certain reason I won’t go into. After Adam and Eve fell, God sent these Watcher Angels to show them how to grow food, make houses, start fires to cook and for warmth, nets to fish, dig for metals to make tools, dishes, and weapons, how to make clothes, jewelry, furniture from wood,etc. Eventually, these good Watcher Angels fell from grace when they lusted after and raped the fair women of earth for pleasure and to have their own families (Genesis 6).

Because the wickedness of the fallen watch angels violating the fair women of earth these poor women became pregnant and produced horrible babies that were half-human and half-angel. The fallen angel DNA caused the offspring to be evil and to grow to be 10 to 350 feet tall. The bones of these giants are all over the world!

GOD allowed all this evil to happen because He gave man and the angels a will to do good and stop evil if they chose. Lucifer’s name became Satan when he caused the fall in the Garden of Eden. He tricked Adam & Eve because he was angry with GOD for kicking him out of Heaven. Satan planned to use the Nephilim giants to stop the coming of the pure one, the Messiah.

The first fallen angels are still confined to the 2nd heaven that is between God’s Home in 3rd Heaven and the Earth’s 1st heaven. They are allowed on the Earth for only a short period or they will be punished by God’s mighty host. The fallen angels are allowed to rule over the earth’s systems including the governments, religions, money, music, military, medicine, sciences, movies, schools, fatal drugs, etc.

As mankind willfully sins the wicked angels can build invisible strongholds over the evil villages, cities, states, countries, and continents. If the non-believers refuse to repent and accept Jesus as their Savior, it gives evil extra power to cause tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, disease, shootings,famine, drought, etc. If Christians don’t pray, evil can take over with kidnapping, sex-trafficking, abortions, murder, war, etc.

These fallen angels were stuck in the second heaven for tens of thousands of years. They are allowed access to earth in these last days to do despicable things before the coming of Jesus. Since what happened in Roswell, N.M. certain fallen angels that look like lizard are bossing more than cooperating with the military by providing ore-like materials from other planets that’s 10 times stronger than diamonds for their 200 types of space craft. Satellite pictures do reveal the odd shapes of buildings and proves there’s strange activity happening on other planets.

The fallen angels can make themselves look like E.T. gray aliens when they abduct people from their beds and transfer them to floating laboratories in space craft in the skies of 2nd heaven. They remove a woman’s eggs and a man’s semen to mix with their DNA or use animal eggs & semen to create chimera-hybrids to use during the Great Tribulation to torment mankind like the stinging scorpions in the book of Revelation 9.

Since fallen angels are not God they have contruction abilities but no creativity powers unless they use a real human or animal. They can change themselves to look like a normal person, a monster, or an animal. They abduct mostly non-Christian people unless a Christian is back slidden. I heard they get a kick out of abducting people to a “mock hell” where they see their loved ones screaming in hell and it’s all fake.

Ephesians 6[12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Demons are disembodied wicked spirits from Nephilim giants 6,000 years ago. They never die so they are among us seeking whom they can possess or/and devour our kill.

Demons are NOT fallen angels and God did not make demons; the 200 watcher angels with flesh bodies FELL when they lusted after the fair women of Earth had had sex with them. The women became pregnant and produced babies that grew to become NEPHILIM GIANTS that were 10 to 350 feet tall! The giants produced more giants and ALL flesh on the Earth, including the animals, fish, birds became constantly evil, God had to send a world-wide flood to destroy all flesh except for Noah and his family.

When the GIANTS died off in the flood their evil spirits left their dead bodies and roamed the Earth looking for people to possess but all flesh was destroyed. They had to wait a long time to be able to live inside a person or possess them. So, what are DEMONS? They are disembodied evil spirits left over from the Nephilim giants that died during Noah’s flood. These evil spirits roam to and fro ON THE EARTH NOW looking for whom they may devour/mess up/cause suicide to please Satan.

Demons miss being inside a person. When they are inside a person they feel alive and protected and safe from being attacked by other demons. They enjoy especially when their host is eating, drinking, taking dope and having sex because they can taste the food, feel the high of the drugs and feel the sex. They love telling the person they’re living in to do bad things or say bad things and get in trouble. Their mission is to kill, steal, and destroy humans. If you’re hearing voices in your head, it’s them.

If you buy something in a witchcraft store that has a curse put on it like certain incense sticks, a Buddha ceramic, a Harry Potter sword or an ouija board game gives a demon permission to follow you home. The demon will have his wicked fun with you causing havoc in your house, sickness, moving objects and maybe death.

The only way to avoid demons is to repent of your sin, and believe in Jesus Christ by asking Him to forgive you and come into your heart to live. Read the Bible and go to a Bible believing church and grow in Jesus everyday by praying to Him.



Kathy M. Storrie