Jesus is coming soon to remove millions, maybe billions of believers in Jesus Christ, who have repented, are saved and are ready to go home to Heaven. The word of God warns us about the coming wrath to wake people up to repent, and get right with the Lord.
Jesus is the only perfect person that was qualified and willing to leave Heaven to suffer and die for us so we could one day be in Heaven with Him for eternity. Nobody else qualified for the job but Him! Oprah says since there are billions of people in the Earth then there must be many ways to get to Heaven. She is wrong! There was and is only one way to Heaven and that is through a perfect, sinless man called, Jesus Christ, who was capable of saving a worldwide multitude of sinners. In Heaven Jesus’ name was THE WORD. Jesus allowed the Holy Spirit to reduce His full grown body down to one special healthy sperm to put inside Mary’s womb as she ovulated. God knew that Jesus would save the world from their sin and He was the only one who could heal the sick, and preach the gospel story of God the Father’s love for for all humanity!
By the time Jesus reached the age of 33, Satan had tempted Him many times to not obey His Father but Jesus told the Devil to get behind Him and leave Him alone. Before Jesus left Heaven, He and the Father looked ahead and saw how Jesus would suffer the rejection and hate from so many powerful men, mostly…